2018 started well with Moulaidh gaining her show gundog working certificate in January and hence her full Champion title, and baby Lissy qualifying at her first Championship show for Crufts 2019. From then on it only got better, with Moo having an amazing run of wins at breed club championships winning BIS at four in a row followed by another two CC's with BOB and two reserves before taking a break to regrow her coat for the second half of the year. Despite that, she ended up TOP WINNING BITCH in the breed for 2018!
In May we welcomed Halo, Glitters Rainbow over Drumkilty from Belgium, my first import, and my first "bought in" puppy for over 21 years! Many thanks to Kathy Braeckman for entrusting us with this beautiful, funny, happy little character. Halo qualified on her debut at Guisachan, six months old on the day! She has consistently in the cards the rest of the year but it was at the end of the year she became her best and started winning red cards.
Lissy also had a fabulous year, ending her puppy career at East of England with a reserve CC from Bart van Maren. She then won her class at the historic Guisachan Gathering show and after that we concentrated on Open shows to finish her Junior Warrant, by which time she had amassed 64 points!
2017 had the saddest of starts, with the loss of our very special girl Crombie in March after several reprieves and weeks of treatment and anguish. However, she must have been smiling down on us and sending luck to lift our spirits because 2017 then turned into the best year ever!! Out of 20 Championship shows attended, Moulaidh was awarded first place at 17 of them along with three more reserve CC's before finally gaining her first CC at SKC in August a week before her second birthday. Her second CC came at Berkshire Downs and Chilterns GRC with BEST IN SHOW to boot, followed a week later with her third and crowning CC at GBAS. Moulaidh went on to finish the year in style by winning a further CC at LKA before dropping her coat again.
While Moo was "resting" during the summer months in 2017, Brora rose to the challenge of being an admirable substitute for her half-sister, consistently winning at Championship shows and venturing out to a couple of Opens (where she won BOB from Junior) and gaining her Junior Warrant.
Meanwhile back home Zelda was busy rearing a beautiful litter by Xanthos Bullet Proof, fromwhich we kept Lissy (Drumkilty Lisdoonvarna)
2016 has been a fantastic year for our small kennel. In March, Gerbil won 2nd place in a huge, quality class at Crufts. In April, our two puppies Moulaidh and Criffel came out, with Moulaidh qualifying at her very first show. Over the following months Criffel had to take a back seat to Moulaidh as her career just soared beyond our wildest expectations - see her page for further details - but Criff did manage to qualify for Crufts as well. Moulaidh's sister Skye owned by Rosemary Barrand also qualified the next day, and brother Murphy owned by Kay Murray won BPIB and BPIS as a Minor Puppy. In August, Drumkilty Urquhart at Milltimber won a Reserve Green Star on the Irish circuit then achieved his Stud Book number in September.
From October, Moo was joined by her little half-sister Brora in the ring and the two of them have surpassed all our hopes and dreams, consistently winning or being highly placed at every show attended. The year ended on a high with both reserve CC's at LKA being won by Drumkiltys and Brora winning a quality Minor Puppy class as well! My thanks to Linsey Dunbar, Lesley O'Neill and Yvonne Froud for all helping with the handling throughout the day as I was unable to be there.
Brora winning her class
Banksy and Moulaidh winners of Reserve CC Dog and bitch
15th February 2015 - Gerbil wins four classes at The Golden Retriever Club of Wales Championship show under Mrs Lynn Kipps, gaining the final points for her Junior Warrant!
Three weeks later she won 3rd place in her class at Crufts, where we celebrated her Junior Warrant along with those of three other friends' youngsters - Cheers!
2014 - Archie ( Drumkilty Urquhart at Milltimber) qualifies for Crufts at Golden Retriever Club of Wales
Banksy (Drumkilty Take the High Road to Sandaula) wins his first Reserve CC under Peter Drury at Yorkshire GRC - so thrilled I was there to see it!
Drumkilty Dreoilín (aka the Gerbil) qualifies at her two first Championship shows GRCS under Viv Jones and NWGRC under Margaret Woods - thanks to both judges for seeing my little Gerbil's virtues!
Archie wins Best of Breed and is shortlisted to the final five for BIS at Keighley - well done to Douglas and Elaine!
Vivi (Drumkilty Valkyrja) ends the year on a high by gaining her Show Gundog Working certificate at Castlemilk estate near Lockerbie on a day run by Northumberland and Durham Labrador Retriever Club. She delighted me by also being Judges' Choice and was mentioned in their write up in Shooting Times.
2013 - a quiet year for me with doing up our new home, but highlights were Arran (Drumkilty Oisin at Milltimber) gaining his studbook number at Darlington in December and Hal (Drumkilty Valhalla at Corsemaul) gaining his studbook number at Gundog Breeds of Scotland in November, a satisfying end to a year which saw him win most of his classes at championship shows.
2012 .....got off to a great start with Banksy winning his Junior Warrant, well done Paula and Banksy, you make a great team!
April 2012 -
.....started off well with my beloved Crombie, now in veteran, winning a lovely class at Northern Golden Retriever Association under judge Pauline Barnes (Shaphiron)
......then, to give her her full name, Champion Drumkilty Janey Mac JW (Crombie) won the bitch CC and BOS at the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland Championship show in Perth from Veteran. Many thanks to judge Wendy Andrews (Catcombe) for a wonderful day, and to everyone who cheered her on and said such lovely things about my very special girl, I am so very proud of her.
also at Perth her daughter Valkyrja qualified for Crufts with a respectable third in a strong Junior class, Saoirse's baby sister Wilmaa (D. Winterthyme at Amilone) also qualified with 2nd in MPB, and across in the dog ring Banksy won his class under Malcolm Godefroy! There were some celebrations that night!
I attended very few shows in 2010/11 but the Drumkilty flag was kept flying by team Milltimber - see all their results here
June 2011 - Arran gets the month off to a great start by winning BEST OF BREED at both Livingston and Rutherglen shows. His son Archie also won Puppy at Livingston.
Border Union Championship show 18-06-2-11 - Arran qualifies for Crufts 2012.
March 2011 - Scottish Breeds Championship Show - Saoirse qualifies for Crufts 2012
September 2010 - our new baby Saoirse qualifies for Crufts' 2011 at her first Championship show (Darlington) under Riita Lehtonen
April 2010 - Whisper gets her first CC!
Flyngalee Whispering JW, shown above taking part at the Interclub Working Test 2008, daughter of our "Riley" (Caoimhin Cadhla from Drumkilty), was awarded her first CC at the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland's Championship show in Perth on April 10th 2010, by judge Fiona Thurm (Beldonburn)
Like her great-granny Caoimhe, Whisp had taken several reserve CC's and her owner Mandy must have been wondering if she was destined to be "always the bridesmaid".........Well Done Mandy and Whisper - Doreen would be so proud of you - we certainly are!